Earth Day event celebrates pop art exhibition, Muscatine County Energy Champions 

“Pure Iowa” cans, part of Christine A. Curry’s pop art project creation, will be featured along with the artist during an Earth Day Celebration in Muscatine, Iowa, on Monday, April 22. CREDIT MUSCATINE COUNTY ENERGY DISTRICT

MUSCATINE, Iowa – A Pop Art exhibit and recognition of the Muscatine County Energy Champions top the program for an Earth Day Celebration hosted jointly by the Muscatine County Energy District  and League of Women Voters of Muscatine County.

The Earth Day Celebration will be at 6 p.m. Monday, April 22, at the Musser Public Library in Room 304.

Christine A. Curry, creator of the Andy Warhol-inspired pop art project, will be a featured speaker and available for an artist meet-and-greet. Using a fictitious, tongue-in-cheek concept that water quality in Iowa is excellent, Curry’s PURE IOWA ~ SPARKLING STREAM WATER ~  exhibit delivers an environmental message to ignite a larger movement of awareness with action for cleaner water while showcasing conservation farmers as a critical source of fact-based solutions.

Christine A. Curry pictured next to her display of pop art “Pure Iowa” cans project. The creation will be part of an Earth Day Celebration on Monday, April 22, in Muscatine, Iowa. CREDIT MUSCATINE COUNTY ENERGY DISTRICT

The Pure Iowa project features one large inflatable “Save Mississippi River” pop can measuring nearly 4 feet by 8 feet, as well as display panels and a video component.

“Clean water needs to be a top priority for both public health and recreation,” says Ms. Curry of studio tew productions. “It is my aspiration to create and ignite a larger movement of awareness with action on behalf of cleaner water.”

The Earth Day event also will feature Jon Koch, director of Water and Resource Recovery Facility for the City of Muscatine, who will discuss clean water work being done throughout Muscatine County.

The event also serves as the first-ever Recognition of Muscatine County Energy Champions by the Muscatine County Energy District. Utility-based, industrial, and commercial solar energy projects will be highlighted. Energy Champion Award recipients include:

  • CIPCO & Eastern Iowa REC for the Wilton Solar Array.
  • Kent Corp – GPC Musser Solar Field.
  • Muscatine Veterinary Hospital – Drs. Nathan and Tasha Wall.

To attend the Earth Day celebration, RSVP at For more information, visit or email [email protected].

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