Walk in shoes of QC homeless at Christian Care’s Frigid Feet event

Christian Care Homeless frigid feet

Christian Care in Rock Island urges Quad Citians to walk in the shoes of the homeless at its second annual Frigid Feet event on Saturday, Dec. 16.

The two-mile walk begins at the Christian Care Rescue Mission located at 2209 Third Avenue, downtown Rock Island.

Roughly 450 men, women and children in the Quad Cities are experiencing homelessness on any given night, according to a Christian Care news release. Frigid Feet is designed to raise awareness of this by replicating what the homeless community experiences on a day-to-day basis just to get a warm meal during the brutal winter months, the release said.

The walk will start at 9 a.m., snow or shine, at 2209 Third Ave in Rock Island. It will wind through the downtown area, ending two miles later with a hot cup of soup and a sandwich provided by the local Hy-Vee.

The registration fee of $25 will get participants a shirt, soup and sandwich, but walkers must register by noon on Tuesday, Dec. 5 to get their T-shirt. All proceeds will go to support Christian Care programs and services.

For more information and to register, visit the organization’s website.

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