After a three-year hiatus, United Way’s Day of Caring returns on Thursday, Sept. 15.
Signup is underway to join 1,500 volunteers and be among different individuals, groups and teams of co-workers who will roll up their sleeves to make a difference in the community.
This can be done through half-day and full-day volunteer projects around the Quad Cities region. By working on these projects, volunteers gain a better understanding of how local nonprofits are changing lives as well as connect with causes strengthening the Quad Cities.
Registration to participate in Day of Caring closes Thursday, Sept. 8. All projects are first-come, first-served and some projects are filling up faster than others.
United Way suggests volunteers be at least 18 years old. However, if a volunteer wants to bring their child, they are asked to use discretion and make sure the project is age appropriate. Guardians are responsible for their child at any volunteer project, United Way said.
Volunteer project coordinators will sometimes provide food or drinks. On the volunteer registration hub, some projects will note if food or drink is provided in the description. United Way asks that volunteers reach out to their project coordinator after they register if they have questions.
To sign up, visit United Way Day of Caring’s website and check out all of the different projects such as the Hauberg Landscape Restoration, Bettendorf Middle School Garden Beautification, Sylvan Island Park Clean Up, Invasive Species Removal, and many more throughout the Quad Cities.