SAL Welcoming Center one-stop winter shop for vulnerable families

Services available to refugees, immigrants, others

SAL Community Services Welcoming Centers like this one in Rock Island are available to assist immigrant and refugee families during the winter season. CREDIT SAL COMMUNITY SERVICES

SAL Community Services’ Welcoming Centers are open to help vulnerable families, including immigrant and refugee populations during the winter season, the agency announced recently.

The organization said even as those populations enjoy seasonal holidays and celebrations, the winter season brings challenges as well including access to food and housing.  

Welcoming Centers, which have been operating since 2007, are a one-stop shop for human services. The center that serves residents in Rock Island, Mercer and Henry counties is located at 1609 4th St., Building 2, Rock Island. Focused on a culturally sensitive approach to case management, SAL’s Welcoming Center connects more than 500 individuals and families with support and relevant services each year. 

“The immigrant and refugee community is our Quad Cities community,” Marcy Mendenhall, SAL president and CEO, said in the news release. “This time of year can bring additional hardships for these families. But it’s also a time when we see the generosity and passion of staff, volunteers, community members, and donors shining bright.” 

“We approach everyone who walks through the door with respect,” added Loredia Nunn-Dixon, director of SAL’s Welcoming Center. “We have something to learn from every client. And we have a lot we can share and offer in terms of resources, answers, and guidance. The cultural exchange that happens is really exciting — and it’s central to our work.” 

That exchange relies largely on language. “We had a diaper giveaway recently, and the mix of languages in the room was amazing to hear,” she said. “Clients were speaking Spanish, Swahili, French, and three or four other languages. Our challenge as a staff is to be ready to help everyone.” 

Staff is multilingual

To meet that challenge, SAL’s Welcoming Center staff members speak multiple languages. 

“When a new client comes in, they’re paired with a case manager, someone they’re able to communicate openly with,” Ms. Nunn-Dixon said. “That manager is an advocate for the individual or family and connects them with the resources they need.” 

Center staff also work with local churches, nonprofits and government-funded programs to support immigrant and refugee families. “This time of year, we’re seeing a great need for coats and food,” she said. “We make it a point to provide culturally appropriate food for our clients, especially during the various winter celebrations.”  

Walk-ins are always welcome during business hours at SAL’s Welcoming Center (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.). Appointments can be made by calling (309) 793-8201. SAL relies on charitable gifts to expand their mission of supporting children, families, and individuals through education, support, and resources. Contributions to SAL can be made here.

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