Quad Citians are invited to join Visit Quad Cities on Wednesday, March 30, to explore how a Tourism Improvement District (TID) could benefit this regional tourism destination.
The AccelerateVQC Meeting at the TaxSlayer Center in Moline begins with a 3 p.m. program followed at 4 p.m. by an one-hour reception. To register for the event go here.
The featured speaker is upstate New York-based Tiffany Gallagher, vice president of operations for Civitas, which provides expertise in forming, modifying, and renewing improvement districts. The company is one of the nation’s leading special district consultancies. Its experts have guided more than 100 districts through the formation, modification, or renewal process.
Visit Quad Cities hosts AccelerateVQC programs to lead conversations and highlight important developments impacting the Quad Cities regional destination. Held quarterly, AccelerateVQC is just one of the initiatives the tourism agency uses to engage with stakeholders, tourism industry professionals, and Quad Citizens.
“The future of tourism and funding destination marketing can be uncertain,” Visit Quad Cities warned its supporters in a recent newsletter. “Data supports that destinations that are well prepared and strategic in aligning resources are positioned more effectively for the future. Forward-thinking, innovative destinations with alternative tools for tourism marketing, promotion, and destination development move faster and retain more market share.”
There are currently 190 TIDs around the United States in small, medium and large markets as well as 18 states that have TIDs. Twelve additional states are considering TID’s, including Iowa and Illinois.
According to Visit Quad Cities, a TID “is a stable funding source for marketing efforts designed to increase occupancy and room rates for lodging businesses. Funds raised through a small assessment on lodging stays are used to provide services desired by and directly benefiting the businesses in the district.”
Since joining the Civitas team in 2017, Ms. Gallagher’s biography said she has worked to form new TIDs and advocated for new and changing funding mechanisms across the country. “Her work to rally communities at the state and local level has proved her to be a reliable resource and recognized industry advocate for destinations across the country,” Visit Quad Cities said.
That includes serving in board positions and leadership roles on the New York State Hospitality and Tourism Board of Directors, Greater Syracuse Hospitality and Tourism Association, Board of Directors of Destination Marketing Organizations, Strategic Planning Councils, and Business Improvement Districts.