As it plans for transportation needs in the Quad Cities’ future, the Bi-State Regional Commission is looking for the public’s feedback on how to improve the area’s transportation network.
Planners currently are working on updating Thrive 2055, the Quad Cities Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Regional priorities are established every five years in the LRTP after examining regional economic and population changes. Those trends, the planning agency said in a news release, “provide insights into the needs within our region and allow communities to plan for future growth.”
To gather feedback from the public and offer stakeholders, Bi-State will hold three input sessions (options both in-person and virtual). They are:
- Wednesday, Feb. 12, 4-5:30 p.m., virtual meeting on Zoom. Click here or call (309) 205-3325. Meeting ID is 824 4693 8604; passcode 943697.
- Thursday, Feb. 13, 4-6 p.m., in-person at EICC Urban Campus, 101 W. Third St., Davenport.
- Thursday, Feb. 20, 4-6 p.m., in-person at Centre Station, 1200 River Drive, Moline.
The virtual meeting will kick off with an informative presentation followed by feedback from the audience. The in-person option will be in an open house format with presentations made every 30 minutes outlining the planning process and priorities. Bi-State staff will be on hand to listen to opinions and discuss ways to improve the transportation system.
Public input ‘essential’
“Your input is essential as we work together to create a thriving community for the next 30 years,” Bi-State said. According to the planning commission, the next three decades will bring some exciting changes to local roads, bridges, bus routes, trails, sidewalks and freight systems.
“We may enjoy new travel options, like passenger rail connections east and west and more efficient bus services for our daily commutes,” the release said. “With over 2,000 miles of roadways to maintain, we’ll also want to think about how we can do that effectively.”
Bi-State staff will work with local officials throughout 2025 to prepare a full draft document update by early 2026, the agency said. It will include transportation goals, existing and proposed transportation systems, and other infrastructure/development recommendations.
Additionally, QC residents may comment online, particularly if they are unable to attend the sessions. Visit here to share your transportation and economic development opinions through Friday, April 4. Additional public input is planned before the LRTP is adopted in early 2026.
For more information, contact Bi-State at (309) 793-6300.
To review the existing Connect QC 2050: Quad Cities Long-Range Transportation Plan and the Bi-State Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, visit here. Or find Bi-State on Facebook.